Staunton and Corse C of E Academy, Gloucester Road, Corse, Staunton, Gloucester, GL19 3RA

01452 840240

Staunton & Corse C of E Academy

Let Your Light Shine

Reading for pleasure is central to our ethos at Staunton and Corse Academy. We know that children who read will do well at school and beyond. We aim for pupils to develop a life- long love of reading and to foster a love of books through our enthusiastic reading culture.


Please view our Reading Intent, Implementation, and Impact Statement here.

Please view our Progression of skills for reading, writing and spelling here


Our Reading Ambassadors are passionate about books!

Being a Reading Ambassador is all about reading for pleasure and sharing the enjoyment of sitting down to read a good book.  Our Reading Ambassadors have been selected because of their love for reading and for their passion and enthusiasm to share this with others. 

Their responsibilities include:
 - Promoting a love for reading in their class and around school
 - Arranging whole school book events for the school to participate in
 - Keeping our library tidy and organised
 - Using their knowledge and passion for reading to recommend books and authors to others
 - Organising the outdoor book shed for children to enjoy 

 - The Reading Ambassadors read to other classes and individuals to help show what great reading role models they can look up to

 - To pick and recommend books for children in all year groups to highlight the range and types of books we can all get in school for everyone to enjoy

 -They will meet to discuss current books and how they can encourage reading for pleasure

 - Arrange reading sessions on the playground and at special times such as Christmas


 Please click here to read all about our reading ambassadors.


D.E.A.R time (Drop Everything And Read)

This involves every child across the school dropping everything to take time out to read for pleasure. Silent reading after a busy lunch time offers a calm, contemplative start to the afternoon. The aim is improve reading stamina and to simply let our children have time to enjoy their book. Teachers seize this time to listen to targeted readers and to allow them to discuss and summarise their reading book. 


Paired reading

 Every Friday afternoon after lunch our older children read and listen to their younger reading buddies (there is at least a two year reading age gap between partners).  Reading buddies will read together - either one chapter at a time, one sentence at a time or even reading different books to each other in turns. By working in pairs, children have time for valuable 'book talk' and as well as improving reading; this also targets communication, teamwork, empathy, understanding and responding to another person’s needs. Our children thoroughly enjoy our paired reading time!


Reading our class book

Every day, each teacher reads to their class for 15 minutes without any interruptions – just the teacher reading and modelling ‘how’ to read. Reading aloud is one of the most important things our teachers do and it is a frequent and regular part of the day. Reading aloud enables children to experience and enjoy stories they might not otherwise meet. At Staunton and Corse we make it a priority and ensure everyone understands the importance of it. Reading aloud is a non-negotiable and time is set aside for it. By reading well- chosen books aloud, teachers help our children to become communities of readers-ensuring that they can share in experiences of a wide repertoire of books.  This links to the commitment we have to deepening and broadening the children’s vocabulary and to our writing focus using quality model texts. The teachers choose a book from our diverse reading spine inspired by Doug Lemov's 'five plagues of reading'. 


Our book shed

Our book shed at the front of our school is our 'little free library' for children to exchange books. Anyone is free to take home a book and are encouraged to bring it back or replace it with another. Please feel free to donate!


Dedicated reading areas

The reading corners in each classroom are designed to be comfortable and relaxed. The children sitting on comfy cushions and chairs-allowing their mind to get into a book, serve as a constant reminder for the children to pick up a book and start enjoying it.


Celebrate reading

We celebrate literature by organising events such as author and illustrator visits, our annual trip to Cheltenham Literature Festival (as shown below) theatre trips, poetry competitions, oracy competitions within our multi-academy trust, reading across the curriculum, reading café, outside reading trail, reading in weird places competition, book swaps and weekly visits to our forest library.


Accelerated Reader -please click here for Accelerated Reader page and here for information about MyOn.


Click here to visit our writing page

At Cheltenham Literature Festival 2022
At Cheltenham Literature Festival 2022

Reading with your child

Please read the leaflet below and the webpage Book Trust for reading tips and advice for reading with your child. 

Paired reading weekly
Paired reading weekly
School Book Fair
School Book Fair
Book tasting Cafe
Book tasting Cafe

Reading Ambassadors 2023

 Our Reading Ambassadors 2023
Our Reading Ambassadors 2023

Weird places our children read!

Reading Ambassadors reading our  Advent Books
Reading Ambassadors reading our Advent Books

Reading partners

Reading Ambassadors and our Advent Books
Reading Ambassadors and our Advent Books
At the Cheltenham Literature Festival
At the Cheltenham Literature Festival